These recommendations are aimed in particular at retailers, but may also be interesting and valuable for private piano players.

There is no guarantee for disinfection in the medical sense on the part of the manufacturers of the keyboard materials:

  1. To spray disinfectant on the keys is forbidden
  2. Alcohol in high doses is forbidden, because it might crack the key surface, alcohol can also cause the surface to come off
  3. Acetone or ethyl butyl acetate (acetic acid) are forbidden
  4. When treating with UV-C light, please pay attention to heat as this can loosen the coating
  5. Ebony sharps are usually treated with beeswax, which can be dissolved by alcohol

Reasonable measures that greatly reduce the risk:

  1. The piano players are required to disinfect their hands thoroughly before playing
  2. The piano players are obliged to wear a mouthguard (droplet infection)
  3. „Cleanlike“ cleaning wipes are made available
  4. In addition, you can add a few splashes of commercially available disinfectant with an alcohol content of NOT MORE THAN 30% ethanol to the Cleanlike wipes
  5. It is always best to wipe the keyboard with a damp, but never dripping, window leather, and in such a way that you get BETWEEN THE KEYS – you can add isopropanol (isopropyl alcohol) to the water
  6. No problems are caused by UV radiation, but heat builtup on keyboard should be avoided, as Tharan and Ivoplast are Thermoplastics. Excessive temperature will cause deformation and damages

THE PROBLEM: if you put disinfectant on a piano without instructions, laymen tend to spray the keyboards – that would be fatal!

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