Simon Schwarz Podcast – On Tour in Bayreuth

The popular actor Simon Schwarz was on tour in Germany as part of a campaign by the German National Tourist Board (DZT Deutschen Zentrale für Tourismus). Simon Schwarz comes from Vienna and is known from films like “Das Dorf des Schweigens” and “Leberkäsjunkie”. For a six-part podcast series, the darling of the public goes on a journey to Bayreuth, among other things. With the podcast episodes the diversity of Germany should be made tangible. In a humorous conversation with Udo Steingraeber, Bayreuth and Steingraeber peculiarities are discussed.

#simonschwarzontour  #dzt #ReiselandDeutschland

You can find out more about Bayreuth on our website. Because there are many reasons to travel to Bayreuth.

Friedrich Street (Friedrichstraße), in which the Steingraeber House is located, is also called the Street of the Five Composers.

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