Talking with Margravine Wilhelmine

am 23.06.2018 bis 10.03.2019, 17:00
Preis: cost-free access

Personality and Spiritual World. Questions by Peter O. Krückmann.

Peter O. Krückmann, longtime specialist supervisor from the “Bayerische Schlösserverwaltung” in Munich, just retired when his most glamorous project – the Margravial Opera House – approached the reopening. This exhibition is dedicated to his special view of the margravial Bayreuth.

“… we will highlight lesser-known parts of Wilhelmine’s personality …” Krückmann reveals the character of the Margravine for whom Bayreuth was initially a “sacrifice” and then became a “stroke of luck for her life” – that’s how she created “Bayreuth’s Golden Age“.

So who was this woman who did such a great job: “… the Eremitage expanded, Sanspareil re-designed, the construction of the New Palace determined … hard to believe that she was still composing, writing opera libretti, corresponding extensively with her brother and Voltaire … that she painted, made lacquer work, even went hunting …” (Krückmann)

These aspects are the center of the small exhibition which also shows how diverse cultural life was in Bayreuth in the 18th century, the “Golden Age”.

Vernissage on June 23, 2018, at 5 pm in the Steingraeber Haus Bayreuth. Exhibition until January 7, 2019. Free admission.

At the vernissage, Mr. Wolf Dieter Neupert plays a contemporary work on a Neupert harpsichord. Exhibition until March, 2019. Free admission.


  • Peter O. Krückmann, langjähriger fachwissenschaftlicher Betreuer aus der Bayerischen Schlösserverwaltung München
  • Historisches Museum Bayreuth
  • Familie Peter Rothenbücher Schloss Birken
  • Hotel Goldener Anker / Eva Graf
  • J.C. Neupert Bamberg
  • Steingraeber & Söhne

Talking with Margravine Wilhelmine


Steingraeber Haus Bayreuth
Friedrichstraße 2
95444 Bayreuth